Saturday, February 18, 2012


You know the ones that say, "You can't do it" or "You may be successful for right now but you always fall back to your old ways" or "you don't REALLY need to work out today...your so 't i r e d' ...the one that thunderously whispers to you, "Just take a bite, what will it's just one bite...NOW!" Funny how when I am in the 'Word' consistently I just don't seem to hear those voices so often or so loudly. When I have my priorities in line and I have sweet intimate fellowship with my Savior I am reminded the 'why's' of things and the 'how's'! Why I am wanting to loose weight and the how He empowers me to do it. If I am willing to let this most important relationship in my life slide, it goes to figure that I will let what I am eating or choosing to not eat slide too. No condemnation, just a necessary re-adjusting that is so necessary in this Christian walk.

I lost another 2 1/2 pounds this last week of WW and joined a gym with steps : ) but steps and each one adds up...

Saturday, February 11, 2012



It occurred to me today that making a decision to lose weight, no matter how I am choosing to loose weight or with whatever kind of program, that it’s not really about making ‘A’ choice, but it is about making “choices” everyday, all day! It isn’t easy making choices, it is sometimes downright hard, but it is doable! What is my plan for the day, what will I eat when I go out to lunch with a friend or dinner with my husband. I am a bit anxious, stressed, tired, getting ready to start my cycle, so what can I have in place now so that I can make a right choice later. And even though planning and preparation is important, in the moment I still have to make a choice. So…what will keep me on the track making the right choice in the moment?

Time… baby steps…Big picture…

This so parallels my Christian walk and living out the gospel every day. To me, life in Christ is all about making choices as well. It is about a “plan” , God’s plan for me and mine for how to follow after Him. Each day it is about making choices all day long. What is my plan for the day, what are the things I can put into place in order that I might have success while walking through the day with my Savior. It is a choice of surrendering my will to His, laying down my life for Him and going and doing what He has called me to. I have to know Him, I have to know what He is calling me to and I have to choose to follow. This takes trust, time, baby steps, having a plan in place so that I can grab hold of the tools that He has given to me to run this race and fight the good fight; remembering the through it all that there is His Holy Spirit empowering me to achieve all of it...looking at the Big picture

If I get ahead of God and think about the future too much I can get overwhelmed by the task He has called me too…the same is true for my weight loss. If I only look at the 75 pounds I have to loose and think about how long this is going to take me to get there and about the 1,000 choices I am going to have to make, about all the things I can’t have to eat, I get overwhelmed and discouraged. I can feel so powerless to change. I hear myself say this “you will NEVER be able to do accomplish this so why try.” The enemy works the same why in my walk with Christ and utters the same lies to me…simple but effective.


The truth is I can do all things THROUGH Christ who gives me strength! I need to work out my muscles through begin with kneeling and praying, then rising and walking in the truth that sets me free and that truth is that I have a Savior that went to incredible lengths to save ME and He wants me to succeed in my calling in the gospel and in my weight take that devil! I CHOOSE to believe this and by His grace and the active presence of the Holy Spirit at work in me, I will choose this everyday!